Searles Buffalo Master

SKU: 9315138011639

Size: 200 mL
Sale price$29.00

Tax included


For control of bindii, clover, oxalis and other weeds in buffalo (except ST varieties), couch and Qld blue couch domestic lawns. If you want a perfect lawn free of some of the most nuisance weeds, then Buffalo Master® is the right product to do the job.

Buffalo Master® is a concentrated herbicide blend of 2 powerful and effective herbicides. Buffalo Master® controls the weeds - the Bromoxynil acts quickly, and the MCPA provides residual control. Controls various weed including bindii, cape-weed, catsear, clover (not Tas.), creeping buttercup, cudweed, dandelion, fleabane, jo-jo (onehunga), oxalis, plantains, thistles.

Active constituents:

200 g/L Bromoxynil present as the octanoic acid ester.
200 g/L MCPA present as the butoxyethanol ester.
Solvent: 343 g/L Liquid Hydrocarbons.

- 200ml bottle covers 300m2 on lawns
- 500ml bottle covers 750m2 on lawns
- Suitable for bent, buffalo (except ST varieties), couch and Qld blue couch, fescue, kikuyu, paspalum, and rye lawns
- For more effective application, add Spredmax® when applying.
- Contains a measuring cap for convenient measuring.

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